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Blog Topics for May: Subjects to Encourage Connection & Growth

May 13, 20245 min read

May is a great time to cultivate connections and inspire growth within your community. After all, we’re not only deep into spring but on the cusp of summer, which means hearts are ripe for inspiration and renewal. By selecting church blog topics for May that resonate with readers, you can use this opportunity to forge stronger relationships with and among those who look to you for guidance. And we’re here to help!

10 Church Blog Topics for May

At BeyondSundays, we know how challenging it can be to continuously generate fresh and engaging content for your community. But you’ve come to the right place. We’ve curated a diverse range of blog topics for May to invigorate your content strategy—from celebrating biblical motherhood to championing global missions. With these ideas, you can keep your audience engaged and eager for more. 

Here are 10 topics worth exploring this month…

  1. Family Bonding

May offers a wonderful opportunity to emphasize the importance of family bonds in faith. As one of your blog topics for May, consider providing ideas for strengthening familial connections through activities, discussions, and shared faith experiences. From devotions to outdoor adventures, there are countless ways to deepen the ties that bind families together in love and faith.

  1. Global Missions

This month, highlight the global impact your church is making through missions. Share stories, updates, and opportunities for members to support mission initiatives financially and through prayer. Inspire your congregation to become active participants in spreading the love of Christ to the ends of the earth!

  1. Strong Marriage

Did you know that May is one of the most popular months for weddings?

For that reason alone, it’s worth writing blogs about building a strong foundation for marital commitment. You can even use the content to supplement premarital counseling if your church offers it. Provide insights, advice, and resources to help couples navigate the joys and challenges of married life. By investing in strong marriages, you can create a ripple effect of love and unity within your community.

Tip: If you used this suggestion for a February blog (or two), simply apply a different angle. For example, you can highlight Bible verses about marriage, create a list of questions couples should ask before the wedding, or even compile tips from long-married couples in your congregation. 

  1. Biblical Motherhood

As Mother’s Day takes place this month, it makes sense to cover motherhood as a blog topic for May. Take the opportunity to celebrate the unique role of mothers within the church and society by exploring the principles of biblical motherhood. Dive into scriptures that highlight the virtues of mothers, such as Proverbs 31. Offer practical insights and encouragement for mothers raising children in the faith. You can also share stories of godly mothers from biblical times to the present day, inspiring and empowering mothers to embrace their calling with confidence and grace.

  1. Community Engagement

Encouraging community engagement should be on your list of blog topics for May—and all year-round, for that matter. Getting involved at the community level can uplift the soul and bring others closer to God. So, inspire your congregation to get active by covering the following:

  • Volunteer opportunities

  • Stories of community impact

  • Ways to be a positive force 

Demonstrate to readers that by embodying the love of Christ in tangible ways, they can make a lasting difference in the lives of those around them.

  1. Season of Gratitude

Gratitude isn’t a topic that should be reserved for Thanksgiving. As a church leader, you should aim to cultivate an attitude of gratitude within your congregation throughout the year. This month, share practices, devotionals, and stories that focus on thankfulness and contentment. As we count our blessings and express gratitude for all God has done, our hearts are opened to receive even more of His abundant grace.

  1. Creative Outreach

In our list of April blog topics, we talked about creative worship arts. This time, we suggest highlighting creative outreach efforts that bring the message of faith to life in innovative ways. Whether through artistic endeavors, community art projects, or engaging storytelling methods, there are endless opportunities to share the love of Christ with those who need it most. Encourage your community to think outside the box!

  1. Youth Empowerment

Focus on the youth within your church by offering content tailored to their needs, interests, and faith development. Empower them to become leaders and influencers within their generation. In doing so, you can equip them to boldly live out their faith in a world that desperately needs the light of Christ.

  1. Intergenerational Worship

Your community includes people in all stages of life, which is why you should explore the beauty of intergenerational worship experiences. Share stories of how different age groups come together to create meaningful worship moments. Stress how embracing the diversity of generations within our congregation allows us to learn from one another and grow together in our love for God.

  1. Environmental Stewardship

As stewards of the earth, it’s our responsibility to cherish and protect the natural world that God has entrusted to our care. So, consider tackling environmental stewardship as one of your May blog topics. Connect faith with environmental stewardship by covering the following:

  • The importance of good stewardship

  • Bible verses about the environment

  • Tips for practicing sustainable living

  • Inspiring stories of environmental advocates

Even if you focused on this idea in a March blog, you can approach it in a unique way or expand on the topic. Encourage readers to honor God’s creation and leave a legacy of stewardship for future generations to follow.


As you plan your May blog content, remember to keep your audience in mind and strive to create posts that inspire, educate, and uplift. By choosing blog topics for May that resonate with your readers’ hearts and minds, you can foster a deeper sense of connection and growth within your church community. 

Whether you’re exploring the beauty of intergenerational worship experiences or championing the cause of global missions, there’s no shortage of meaningful topics to explore in May. So go ahead, dive into these ideas, and let your creativity and passion for ministry shine through in every word you write. 

Do you need help writing blogs for your church’s website? Reach out to BeyondSundays today!

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